Paying Guest Accommodations Make You Feel at Home

Paying Guest Accommodations Make You Feel at Home Humans are not so different from their ancestors. At the end of the day, every being craves and seeks shelter. Animals have lairs and mark their territories, human beings establish fundamental attachments to place and space. It will not be too far-fetched to equate home and womb as both are known to give a sense of security and a cocoon of comfort. What home means The only difference is humans add layers of significance to their abode. Memories and people fade with time, while physical places remain, sometimes for centuries. This makes homes and neighborhoods like "memory machines" that keep alive sources of what has given our lives meaning, well-being, and happiness. Home provides security, control, belonging, identity, and privacy. But mostly it is a place that provides you with a feeling of being cantered—a place from which we leave each morning and to which we return each evening. The need for home away from home For ev...